Episode 84: This Miracle Literally Saved My Life with Wayne Pederson

Returning podcast guest Wayne Pederson (listen to our first interview with Wayne) shares an up close experience with how God is still in the healing business. Faced with a 1 in 10 MILLION prognosis, Wayne and his fellow prayer warriors simply believed God for a miracle… and God delivered!

But what happens when it seems God doesn’t answer your prayer, when His sovereign plan for your life means you suffer tremendous loss?

It’s not so easy to sing His praises in those moments.

In this interview, we dive deep into Wayne’s miraculous recovery, the nature of miracles, whether or not miracles occur today (and more importantly why they occur) and advice for those suffering loss when it appears God has let us down.

In this episode with Wayne Pederson, you’ll discover:

-Wayne recounts a recent medical issue, a tumor on the appendix…04:10

-Minor miracles during the early days of Wayne’s prognosis…08:44

-Dealing with unexpected major news such as a cancer prognosis…15:50

-Prayer leads to a most welcome surgery experience…18:40

-Where is the church today regarding miracles?…22:12

-What to do when it appears God doesn’t answer our prayers?…26:30

-Trusting in God regardless of the outcome…30:15

-Wayne’s upcoming memoirs…33:12

-And much more!

Resources mentioned:

YBB Episode 38 with Wayne Pederson

Guest’s bio and social handles:

Wayne Pederson is president of Reach Beyond, an international ministry using media, health care and leadership development to reach those who have never heard the Gospel. HCJB serves in 5 global regions: Latin American, Asia-Pacific, Euro-Asia, Middle East-North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa.

Prior to Reach Beyond, Wayne served as vice president for Radio at Moody in Chicago, with 35 owned and operated stations, reaching 1 Million listeners each week, plus 800 radio outlets nationwide. WMBI AM FM in Chicago is flagship station to the Moody Network.

Wayne spent most of his ministry career at Northwestern Radio in Minneapolis: From 1997-2002 as executive vice president for radio; executive director of SkyLight Network from 1994-1997 and manager of KTIS AM-FM from 1980-1994.

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