Episode 40: “No Regrets Woman”™ Rhonda Stoppe – Opens Up About Finding Purpose Through the Chaos

Do you live with regret? Do you have any would’ve, could’ve, should’ve moments making you feel bad about something you did, or maybe didn’t do?

Have you ever experienced a moment when it feels like the crumbs your kids or husband keep dropping around the house just keep piling up?

You feel like you’re going to lose it, like you just can’t take it anymore.

You’ve reached your breaking point and it’s time to walk away.

Sometimes our fear and frustration gets the best of us and we’re left with a decision to give in to that fear and frustration or to choose the Godly response. But how do we know what decision is the right one? At what point do we realize we might regret something if we don’t make a change?

In today’s episode, we talk to the ‘No Regrets Woman,’ Rhonda Stoppe. Rhonda is the author of 6 books and dedicated to helping women live a life of no regrets. She is a wife, mother and blessed grandmother that has experienced a life filled with nearly regretful moments.

Rhonda’s wisdom and experience will help you discover the significance in God and his specific purpose for your life. She shares some of her nearly regretful moments and the ways in which she stuck with God and became the “No Regrets Woman.”

In this conversation, you’ll learn…

-What prompted Rhonda to become the “No Regrets Woman”…04:20

  • We’re often stuck in regret and we think God can’t use us
  • Rhonda stems from a long line of broken marriages
  • She knew that if she didn’t find help, she would regret the wife she became
  • Titus 2 – Built a no regrets marriage
  • The women in her church community helped her lead a no regrets life
  • By dwelling on what we don’t want to be, we attract and become just that

-How to clean up the crumbs of a challenging season…12:30

  • Unmet expectations is the number one thing that unravels the love in a relationship
  • Un-repented sin, resentment, anxiety and fear renders our prayers powerless

-Finding Godly mentors…15:45

  • When God saves, he forgives to the utmost
  • Start with a local church – Iron sharpens Iron
  • Find Godly people who have experienced what you’re experiencing

-The breakthrough moment in Rhonda’s life…19:15

  • The book of Philippians
  • Psalm 119: 165
  • Rhonda experienced a very regretful time in her marriage
  • Suffered from post-partum depression
  • Finally went to an endocrinologist to get help for her hormonal imbalance
  • Constantly reading the bible, taking notes and spending time in praryer

-Why Rhonda almost walked away from her faith…25:45

  • Her son’s diagnosis with severe epilepsy
  • Rhonda watched her dreams for her son fall away
  • She was ready to give up and angry with God
  • Psalm 119
  • Eventually began to observe Brandon becoming a musician
  • God used Brandon’s epilepsy to bring the crowd to glory through his music

-Best advice for avoiding something regretful…29:50

  • The book of Solomon
  • If you want wisdom for your life, you must ask God for it

-Rhonda’s favorite story…32:25

  • Rhonda’s daughter Meredith lost several babies from failed pregnancies
  • When she finally had a successful birth, her daughter had years of surgeries and hardship ahead
  • Meredith said, “Mom this is Ivy’s trial”
  • Your trials are not about you

-The balance between being aware of regret and self sabotaging…36:45

  • Your priority must be to love in God with all your heart
  • Trust that God always has a plan for the greater good
  • When someone is falling behind, be the person putting your hand at the small of their back to help them keep pace
  • Be cautious of the people you surround yourself with

-Rhonda’s gifts for you…41:40

  • Free Gift: Sign up to Nurturing Letters and receive a free ebook, “The Money Myth”
  • Gift: 35% Discount code for Audiobook, “Mom’s Raising Sons To Be”
  • Free: Summer book club via Facebook
  • Rhonda’s website

Call to action:

To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

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