Episode 119: Arranged Marriages, Revolting Women Against Tyranny, and Speaking Truth to Life with Lily Meschi of Iran Alive Ministries!

Today’s episode is a bit of a follow up to our recent episode featuring Dr. Hormoz Shariat of Iran Alive ministries. It features Lily Meschi, the Director of Partner Relations with Iran Alive.

Like virtually all Iranians, Lily grew up in a fundamentalist Muslim home, being taught that God is “always angry” with humanity, and that we should fear Him. Not in a positive way that we in the West may think of fearing God, but perpetual fear that God would judge, convict and execute for committing sins.

After entering an arranged marriage, which eventually ended badly, Lily relied on the truth of the Scriptures to endure through years of abuse, isolation and uncertainty. Now Lily is alive in spirit, and works tirelessly to raise awareness of the many human rights abuses which take place in Iran – and share stories of victory over human and spiritual oppression through the power of the Gospel!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

-Lily’s story of being raised in a fundamentalist home, and finding the Lord as a young adult…04:00

-How Lily’s life drastically changed in wake of her father’s bankruptcy in Iran…08:50

-Life growing up with arranged marriages, and having eyes opened to marrying for love after leaving…15:23

-Confused and isolated by enduring abuse and not being able to confide with loved ones about the struggles…21:00

-Stricken by “behold, all things become new” almost immediately after praying to be set free from bondage…26:00

-Leaving the troubled marriage for the sake of sanity, and the welfare of her child…30:15

-Thoughts on the ongoing women’s uprising in Iran from the perspective of the Gospel…36:45

-What is Iran Alive up to now?…41:00

-And much more…

Resources mentioned:

Iran Alive

Iran’s Great Awakening by Hormoz Shariat

Guest’s bio and social handles:

IG: @lily_meschi and @iran.alive.ministries

Lily Meschi: Director of Partner Relations for Iran Alive. With a passion “to live life on purpose,” Lily Meschi serves in ministry for Iran Alive as the Director of Partners Relations.

Through her own experiences as an Iranian Woman, Lily offers profound insight into the current protests in Iran for women’s rights.

Lily was born and raised in a Muslim family in Tehran, Iran. At the age of 18, her family moved to the U.S. Through a chain of painful hardships relating to her rights as anIranian woman, Lily came to discover Christianity.

In her freedom found in her own testimony, she has developed a heart for Iranian women who, like herself, have undergone similar oppression and loneliness.

Lily often speaks on the corrupt practices of arranged marriages of young women to older men in the Middle East, amongst other norms in their societies. She takes pride in working at Iran Alive Ministries, where she can speak about cultural dispositions such as arranged marriages and the strong grip of abusive male domination in the culture.

Lily first heard about Iran Alive Ministries from a satellite television program. Encouraged in hearing the Gospel from an Iranian woman in a way she could understand, her passion for Christianity grew—so much so that she went on to pursue education in Bible college, learning more about the faith and history of Christianity.

Professionally, she’s operated in several Fortune 500 companies, boutique retail banking institutions and in wholesale investing in the financial industry. Today, she works full-time alongside Dr. Shariat for Iran Alive Ministries.

She has recently been featured in the following media: Life Today, Charisma Magazine, The Stream, iHOPE Ministries podcast, Mission News Network, In Awe by Bruce, and Faith Radio.

In ministering to the very culture from which she came, her prayer for each of the women in Iran is that they will come to know Jesus as she has and that they might experience true freedom, joy, and life in abundance. She longs to share the hope she has found with others;

likewise, these women have the potential to lead multitudes of freed women following in their wake, finding Jesus through their own testimonies.

Call to action:

Make sure to visit yourbiggestbreakthrough.com for your FREE access to our e-book and audiobook, "Unstoppable: Divine Intervention in Overcoming Adversity," showcasing six powerful real-life stories. Get ready to be inspired by these mind-blowing breakthroughs!

To learn more about Wendie and her Visibly Fit program, visit wendiepett.com

To find out more about Todd and his coaching program for men, find him on the web at toddisberner.com.

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