Episode 99: A Call for Men to “Man Up” and Know Your Role in God’s Narrative for Humanity with Bob Coughlin

In today’s episode, you’re going to hear all about men: Who they are, what they’re after, and why. You’re gonna find out how a pro boxer turned business entrepreneur became a director of men’s ministry.

You’re going to hear the difference of growing up and having a religious background versus having a relationship with Jesus, the real definition of what it means to be a real man and God’s purpose for you as a man.

Now, if you are a woman listening to this, do not tune out because you will be inspired and encouraged as well. You’ll hear how not to lose the battle for your soul and for your whole life. Also, if you’re not involved in a men’s group, we’ll tell you how to get started.

Bob Coughlin is the director of men’s ministry at Grace Church, a ministry that comes alongside men in the fight to live out biblical manhood. Previous to this role, Bob was a successful entrepreneur before going full-time into ministry.

Bob grew up in a moderately religious home, went to church sometimes, but never really looked at it as a priority. While he was in high school Bob went with a man involved with the campus ministry. Through this relationship, Bob understood what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Today he is passionate about spurring men in their love relationship with the Lord.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

-Bob’s personal history…05:00

-Transitioning from pro boxing to entrepreneurship to ministry…08:00

-Wrestling with other people, and your own identity…12:30

-The story of Bob (reluctantly) getting involved in the “Man UP” ministry…16:30

-The urgent need for men in particular to understand their unique role in God’s narrative for humanity…21:00

-The slow transformation a man may expect when they choose to “band together” with other men….27:03

-A shocking admission from Bob to close things out…34:00

Guest’s bio and social handles:

Bob Coughlin is Director of Men’s Ministry at Grace Church, a ministry that comes alongside men in the fight to live out biblical manhood. Previous to this role, Bob was a successful entrepreneur and after selling his business went fulltime into ministry.

He is married to wife, Jennie with five kids who even as adults all love hanging out together. Bob grew up in a moderately religious home – went to church sometimes, but never looked at it as a priority.

While in high school, Bob went with a man involved with a campus ministry and for the first time heard what the Bible teaches about having a personal relationship with Christ. He received the Lord and today he is passionate about coming alongside men and spurring them on in their love relationship with Him.

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